Winter Tailgate Outfits – What to Wear Tailgating in the Cold

Christmas hats for the Eagles game on December 22, 2019

Any true football fan is willing to grin and bear through a little bit of cold to see the game! I know just how cold it can be! Be sure to check out some of my favorite winter tailgate outfits to consider for your later season games. 

Deciding what to wear when tailgating in the winter is fun! And, it is going to come down to a few factors – largely, the temperature and the wind chill. 

Also keep in mind whether you will have an RV to hide in or a gas heater to thaw yourself out here and there!

Choosing Winter Tailgate Outfits

I am no stranger to tailgating in the cold! We toughed it out through polar vortex weather that got down to -2 degrees!

Hopefully it won’t be that cold when you go tailgating!

Either way, bring your coat, hats, gloves or mittens, and wear some warm socks.

Cold guy at Eagles game wearing hat and mittens
Lucky for him my aunt made him those fleece mittens!

Here are some fun winter tailgating options for what to wear.

By the way – If you aren’t an Eagles fan, you can still find really cute stuff in other colors or with your team’s logo. These are just some suggestions to get you started!

Winter Tailgate Outfits

Going tailgating continues to be a favorite pastime for football fans generation after generation. As the weather gets colder, true fans continue to stick it out to see their teams bring home the W.

Here are some winter tailgate outfits for women to make the elements a bit more bearable!

By the way, don’t forget to get yourself some wool socks! I couldn’t find something football related that I loved for the list, but sock quality is huge!

What to Wear to Winter Tailgating

These are just some of my own personal favorite cuddly and warm clothes to consider wearing to a tailgate party and the football game.

Do you have any favorite tailgating outfits or other suggestions to share? Definitely hit us up in the comments with those!

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Hope you have an awesome time at the tailgate and stay warm! Go Birds!

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